ME 340, Fall 2022 – Dynamics of Mechanical Systems


  • [Dec 07, 2022] Final Exam will be on Thursday (12/15), 8-11 a.m in 4100 LUMEB.

  • [Dec 05, 2022] Midterm solution is now availabe on Canvas!

  • [Dec 05, 2022] All Homeworks solutions (execpt HW10) are now availabe on Canvas!

  • [Nov 16, 2022] HW10 is released now and it is due by Friday (12/09) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Nov 16, 2022] HW9 is released now and it is due by Monday (11/28) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Nov 16, 2022] Midterm grades are released on Canvas now!

  • [Nov 16, 2022] HW6 and HW7 solutions are available on Canvas now!

  • [Oct 30, 2022] HW8 is released now and it is due by Monday (11/14) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Oct 23, 2022] HW7 is released now and it is due by Monday (11/07) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Oct 23, 2022] HW6 is released now and it is due by Monday (10/31) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Oct 09, 2022] Zhengtao Xu (TA) will hold an extra office hour on Tuesday (10/11) 5-7 p.m.

  • [Oct 09, 2022] Sample Midterm Exam is available on Canvas now!

  • [Oct 09, 2022] HW3 solution is available on Canvas now!

  • [Oct 02, 2022] HW1 and HW2 solutions are available on Canvas now!

  • [Oct 02, 2022] HW5 is released now and it is due by Wednesday (10/12) @ 11:59 pm. No late submission is acceptable for HW5!

  • [Sep 25, 2022] HW4 is released now and it is due by Friday (10/7) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Sep 18, 2022] HW3 is released now and it is due by Friday (9/30) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Sep 13, 2022] HW2 is released now and it is due by Friday (9/23) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Sep 07, 2022] Each homework handed in with the aformentioned LaTex format (not any other formats) can earn extra credit up to 10 points on the scale of 0-100.

  • [Aug 30, 2022] Final exam will be held on Thursday Dec 15th, 8-11 a.m. Exam place will be announced later!

  • [Aug 30, 2022] Lecture Notes will be uploaded on Canvas after each lecture!

  • [Aug 29, 2022] HW1 is released now and it is due by Friday (9/9) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Aug 24, 2022] Zhengtao Xu (TA) office hours are on Wednesdays and Thursdays 4-6 p.m. starting next week (8/31)!

  • [Aug 24, 2022] HW1 will be released on Monday (8/29) and it is due by Friday (9/9) @ 11:59 pm!

  • [Aug 24, 2022] Midterm will be held on Friday (10/14) in class!

  • [Aug 22, 2022] Please check this page regularly for updates!